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Suspended Platform of emergency treatment

Encountered in the construction, such as the following special circumstances, should keep calm, and take corresponding emergency measures
1, the construction of sudden power outages
A sudden power failure in construction, shall be immediately cut off the electric power switch, prevent accident when sending, after being informed caller to close the power switch, and after checking normal begin to work.
Need to return to the ground, after such as power outage ends should be raised at the same time improve the mechanical and electrical machine manual glide handle, make suspension platform free glide to the ground.
2, suspension platform in the process of ascending and descending cannot stop after release.
Suspension platform in the process of the rise and fall as still can't stop after release, should immediately press the electric tight stop switch on the door is red, the suspension platform emergency stop. And then cut off the electric power switch,
Survey to clean up the contactor contactor contact surface adhesion oil impurities, hand press contactor can resume normal after action, close the power switch, twisted tight stop switch to restore its in situ after back to work.
Such as the fault still cannot be ruled out, should cut off the power switch, using the method of manual glide down the suspension platform for maintenance.
3, automatic suspension platform for horizontal tilt lock rope
Suspension platform or end in the process of ascending, descending glide surface horizontal tilt to a certain range, the safety lock automatically lock rope, should immediately stop right now, then
The switch on the electric box to low-end platform, and then press the up button to suspension platform fell to the ground, on both ends of the check and adjust the electromagnetic brake in the hoist
Clearance to conform to the requirements; Clear difference or motor speed difference on both ends of the inspection, such as a motor should be replaced.
4, safety lock open, when the job is, should be in a state of work automatically, without manual operation. It is used as ascension system malfunction caused by Suspended Platform speeding down,
Can automatically locked in the safety rope, make the Suspended Platform stopped falling ensure human safety. When troubleshooting, need to reopen the safety lock, should first point Suspended Platform to rise, make the safety lock after a little loose,
Can throw open the handle and open the safety lock. Is strictly forbidden in the security rope tight case, hard pull (open handle, so as not to damage the safety lock. Don't start the machine after the safety lock locking down like this
Easy to cause hoisting machine seriously damaged.
5, work due to the loose strands wire rope, kink or hoist don't damage the card in the elevator
Work when the card plug inside the elevator wire rope, should immediately stop. It is forbidden to rise and fall repeatedly forced liberation. In ensuring safety, construction personnel evacuation in the suspension platform,
Send through professional training of maintenance personnel in suspension platform for repair. Will first safety elevator installation on both ends of the wire rope winding on the rack, the safety on both ends of the wire rope with rope buckle fastening.
Then loosen the two safety lock of swing arm wheel protection ring (see figure 5), wire rope and the wheel off will work, make the safety lock on both ends in a state of lock rope. After taking the security measures, remove the hoist is checked,
Plug of the wire rope and exit card, can open the fault line truncation and ascension is necessary case for inspection, and carefully remove the stay wire rope hoist. At the same time in the corresponding position of hanging institutions change into new steel wire rope,
Will change my back down and wear people inside the elevator wire rope to pull tight rope, and then work with wire rope safety lock roller slot in the swing arm, pack good protection ring, make the safety lock opens, will increase suspension platform 0.5 meters or so to stop,
Security removed wire rope buckle and put to the upright position, the safety rope suspension platform fell to the ground again, after a hoist, after strict inspection, maintenance party allowed to continue to use.
6, work when the wire rope fracture
End suspension platform of wire rope fracture, suspension platform tilt, to a certain oblique position safety lock automatically closed, will be locked in the safety rope suspended platform. At this point, the suspension platform construction personnel should keep calm,
Are strictly prohibited within the suspension to running and jumping, and according to the working card plug inside the elevator wire rope of the emergency measures for processing.
